Par for Father's Day

What’s better than a golf themed Father’s Day? We couldn’t think of anything better either. Whether your Dad is just there for fun, or if he is a golf fanatic, every man enjoys some time out on the green. Forget the ties, monogrammed golf markers, and picture frames. This year, we’re suggesting a great food-filled day and party that will go straight to his heart – and stomach!

An Easy Summer Meal

With things heating up outside and the summer season upon us, I’m often looking for quick and easy meals that do not take much thought or cooking. Avocado toast is all the rage and with good reason – nutrient-dense avocados, from our farm-fresh produce selection, are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats (the good kind), Vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, folate, magnesium, potassium, and beta-carotene. Adding protein-rich eggs makes this a great meal for a quick breakfast or a busy weeknight. Enjoy!

Celebrate Your Graduate

No matter the age of your graduate or the size of your celebration, we're congratulating all graduates this year! Let us help you navigate through the tears of joy as your loved one moves on to the next phase of life.

Life is a Picnic

Eating outside is a great way to connect with nature and enjoy a meal alone or with loved ones. There are many reasons people want to or need to eat outside: a visit to the playground, a Saturday afternoon at the ball park, an afternoon hike, or a peaceful respite outside in the middle of a long day at work. The easiest part is getting outside, but sometimes it can be tricky coming up with delicious, healthy, and portable meal ideas for eating outdoors. That’s where my advice and your local Brookshire Brothers comes in.

Brookshire Brothers Zoo Work Day 2017

Brookshire Brothers is WILD about the Ellen Trout Zoo! On Friday, May 12th, Brookshire Brothers employees put in some serious sweat equity at the Ellen Trout Zoo as they added another chapter to their annual Zoo Work Day. The tradition started 14 years ago when the zoo needed to improve its infrastructure and Brookshire Brothers responded by allowing its employees to spend a day helping spruce up the zoo. This year, Brookshire Brothers employees across the company, including electricians, plumbers, painters, and carpenters, will donate more than 300 man-hours.