Prep: 25 minutes plus chilling   Cook/Broil: 4 minutes   Serves: 18 


  • ¾ cup heavy cream
  • 1 package (12 ounces) Food Club® Real Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • ½ teaspoon Food Club® Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 2/3 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 18 (6-inch) lollipop sticks 
  • 3 tablespoons Food Club® Marshmallow Creme
  • 1 (12 x 18-inch) block Styrofoam™
  • Food Club® Non-Stick Vegetable Oil Cooking Spray
  • 72 Food Club® Mini Marshmallows


1.    Line 2 rimmed baking pans with parchment paper. In small saucepan, heat cream to a simmer over low heat. In large heat-proof bowl, combine chocolate chips; pour warm cream over chocolate. Add vanilla extract and stir until smooth; refrigerate 45 minutes or until firm. 

2.    Using small ice cream scoop or 1-tablespoon measuring spoon, scoop chocolate mixture onto 1 prepared pan; roll each scoop into a ball, then roll in graham cracker crumbs to coat. Insert 1 lollipop stick about ¾ of the way into center of each ball and place on second prepared pan; refrigerate 45 minutes or until firm.

3.    Working with 1 pop at a time, hold pop upright and spread top with ½ teaspoon marshmallow cream; insert pops into 12 x 18-inch block of Styrofoam to stand upright.

4.    Place oven rack 6 inches from source of heat; turn broiler to high. Spray rimmed baking pan with cooking spray; arrange 18 clusters of 4 mini marshmallows each on prepared pan. Broil marshmallows 45 seconds or until golden brown, watching carefully for burning. With small spatula, carefully transfer marshmallow clusters onto pops over marshmallow cream.

Approximate nutritional values per serving (1 pop): 142 Calories, 9g Fat (6g Saturated), 11mg Cholesterol, 13mg Sodium, 16g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber, 13g Sugars, 1g Protein

Chef Tips
You can use an upside-down cardboard egg carton punched with holes to hold the truffle pops upright.

If you have a kitchen torch, you can stick 4 mini marshmallows onto the marshmallow cream and toast them with the torch.
