Death Star BBrosWe heard you loud and clear—"Help us Brookshire Brothers, you're our only hope!"—so we're bringing you delicious space-themed appetizer, dessert, and drink recipes we created for National Star Wars Day on May the 4th!

Give 'em a try* with your friends and family to celebrate!

*As our friend Yoda once said, "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."

May the Fourth Be With You

Veggie Yoda

A fun new way to eat your greens!

  1. Gather your favorite green vegetables (think leafy lettuce, spinach, poblano peppers, jalapenos, limes, banana peppers, avocados, celery, etc.)

  2. Grab a few non-green vegetables for Yoda's ears and robe (bell peppers and sweet potatoes work great!). 

  3. Get creative and arrange into everyone's favorite Jedi master!

May the Fourth Be With You

Chocolate-Covered Lightsabers

A deadly weapon never looked so delicious!

  1. Melt pre-colored melting chocolates according to package directions.
  2. Dip three-fourths of each pretzel stick (or rod) in chocolate, swirling to coat evenly. 
  3. Lay dipped pretzels on wax paper to dry. 
  4. Optional: If you have Star Wars action figures, make these tasty treats for them to hold!

  May the Fourth Be With You   May the Fourth Be With You

Build-Your-Own TIE Fighter

It's a bird! It's a plane! Nopeit's your favorite (edible) TIE Fighter!  

For a sweet tooth:

  1. Generously spread chocolate frosting on each side of a large marshmallow.
  2. While frosting is still fresh, use it as the "glue" to attach two graham crackers to the marshmallow.

For a savory snack:

  1. Generously coat two opposite sides of cubed cheese with spray cheese or your favorite dip.
  2. Use the spray cheese or dip as the "glue" to attach two dinner crackers to the cubed cheese.
  3. Optional: Stabilize the creation with small toothpicks if needed.


May the Fourth Be With You

Yoda Soda

The most intergalactic soda we ever did seewith only three simple ingredients! 

  1. Pour Sprite or Ginger Ale in a punch bowl.
  2. Plop in a few scoops of green sherbet.
  3. Optional: Add green food coloring to look just like Yoda!