Leprechaun Bait


  • 4 cups of Food Club Shredded Wheat Bite Size Shredded Whole Grain Wheat Cereal
  • 4 cups Lucky Charms cereal
  • 3 cups Crav'n pretzel sticks
  • 2 cups cereal marshmallows
  • 2 cups green M&Ms
  • 24oz white chocolate 


  1. Mix Foos Club cereal, Lucky Charms, pretzel sticks, cereal marshmallows, and M&Ms in a large bowl.
  2. Either in a double boiler or in the microwave, melt the white chocolate.
  3. Pour the melted chocolate over the cereal mix and stir to combine.
  4. Spread the mix over parchment paper and let harden.
  5. Break into pieces and enjoy! Store in an airtight container or in the fridge.