Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2020
Keeping our customers fed in the safest manner possible remains key as we walk through COVID-19. As an additional safeguard for everyone, Brookshire Brothers is now checking the temperatures of all of its employees at the start of each shift. An employee owner with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will be sent home and asked to seek medical advice or contact their doctor if needed. The company is following CDC guidelines regarding when an employee may return to work.

This process follows ongoing safety practices that include the installation of plexiglass sneezeguards at all check stands, social distancing messaging throughout the store, the option of wearing facial coverings while at work and enhanced, ongoing sanitization.
Customers and employee owners together can remember to leave six feet of space between others, wash their hands frequently with soap and water and stay home if they have a temperature of 100 degrees or more.